About Solo

Assalamu'alaykum Wr. Wb;

Sekarang mau cerita tentang kota kelahiran gue, that is Solo..
Wah pake bahasa Inggris seru nih kayaknya. Coba crita pake bahasa Inggris ah. Biar keren-keren dikit gitu. Gaya dikit kan gpp. Skalian sambil belajar, sapa tau besok tes TOEFL. Tenang sob, gue pake bahasa Inggris yang ringan kog (ngakunya, padahal gak mahir).

Solo City..
Solo is the one of beautiful city in Java. It is centrally located within the country on the northeast coast of Java Island, and also located between Karanganyar city and Kartasura city. Solo is fresh weather and beautiful, so many people called Solo "Solo is the Spirit of Java". Solo is passed by Bengawansolo river, the longest river in Java. Don't forget.. there are a song that the title is Bengawansolo. That's a wonderful song, you know.

In the Solo, there are so many historical buildings, among other is Kasunanan Surakarta Museum, Radia Pustaka Museum, Mangkunegaran Museum and castle, Candle Mounument, '45 Monument, etc. The historical buildings is for recreation, for remembering of history, for more science of history, and so on.

Solo has many products, begin from perfumes, cosmetics, fashions, leather goods, clothes, helmet, and the important products or the unique products is "Batik", the cloth is smooth, elegant, and there are unique picture by hand made with ink. And also Solo has many foods products, among other is timlo, cabuk rambak, serabi, liwet rice, etc.

Solo also has traditional instrument, whose name was "Gamelan". Gamelan is very unique music instrument. Gamelan instrument is among other Bonang, Bonang 2nd, Saron, Saron 2nd, Demung, Kenong, Kendhang, Rebab, Gong, and Slenthem. Gamelan instrument is very famous, until to International.

The citizen of Solo is about 1.500.000 people. The people are very friendly, love fashions, polite, and warm. The men are romantic and the women are beautiful and fashionable.

Solo also have many event, such as Batik Carnival, Festival of porridge, Wayang festival, etc. The event is so excited and creative. I love all of the event.
Therefore.. Come on and join is to Visit Solo.. hehe..

Aduh capeg pake bahasa Inggris. Lidah gue keseleo nih, ada yang punya saleb gak?
Entar terjemahannya lihat di bawah ya. Dadaaaaahh... (ngabur).

Wassalamu'alaykum Wr. Wb.

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